Dream House
We all have one dream house where we want to spend of rest of our lives. We want so many things when we buy a house we look at so many things when we look buy house, especially our generations we look for all the delegacies but we have to adjust as we don’t have time to build our own dream house so we buy house which are pre made. We adjust to whatever is offered to us. We it’s more like how much people adjust depends on money people adjust. But in the end everybody adjust just amount of how much it varies. We don’t consider making our own house as who has the time to make house in our busy lives we don’t even have time to see our family properly the house is just a dream, but don’t you think it’s important after all you are paying for it if you can build your dream house won’t it heal your ego a bit, I know ego is not good word but ego is not always bad it’s also what perception you have of your own, If you live in your dream house what you always wanted to be I am sure you will feel good about it in your head too. At least one of our dream is fulfilled our so busy life didn’t take away everything we wanted but it also gave you back something. I don’t doubt the premade house can be beautiful I know they can be stunning much more beautiful than you see but somehow dream is much more beautiful isn’t it. It’s not only beautiful but also it fulfils your each and every need.
You dream we make them REAL...
Idea here is to build people dreams what they really want, Get the information from you client what his dream house should be alike. What all his requirements are but idea here is if client has land and we use this information which we got from user about his dream house. Make a plan about house. Give them proper presentation make sure user is happy with everything all his needs and desires are properly taken care. Give them proper 3d model of house. Do the changes user request and finalize the project. After finalization construct each and everything as per plan. Do not disturb the client for the time till it is finalized and ready to be delivered. Client time is most important and so as clients needs and desires give them utmost importance. At the time of taking order make sure you give the client time requirement and also make sure you fulfilled the project in that time delays is not acceptable as it will irritate the customer and will spoil the dream. Make sure all the desires including colour selection of walls, kitchen, bathroom each and everything is well taken care off. If user is unable to come up with ideas then show them your old projects but make sure user doesn’t not ask to copy the same model as copying dreams is not good so give each house each dream a unique touch. Sometimes feedback of user may not be enough then see the life style of user to decide means the needs of user to come up with the house plan. Interior Designer, Architect and Builders will have to work as one unit. Employees should be innovative and should love challenges with never die attitude. Use loosely coupled approach in building house so client can make changes in house without much of trouble or demolition. Maintain No Defect Policy and most important thing the attitude of workers is nice and warm and make sure they do not use this is not possible in front of user rather try ways to find the solution for user requirements and implement the same.
Always remember you are there to make their dreams real....