Tuesday, March 8, 2011

God a misbelief?

God a certain misbelieve that I would like to believe logically speaking I know there is no god I know I am what my deeds lead me to. Everything I have I have it because of my own choices but deep down I want to believe in god. I want to believe my god lead me to where I am today. It guided me helped me and still helps me fulfill my dreams. Am I insane to think that, am I insane to give credit of my own work to someone who might not even exists. See how afraid I am to say he doesn't exist I want to believe he does, I am afraid of him too afraid to even tempt him but am I just afraid? No I seek his approval as well want to think what I am doing is right. I want to believe he thinks I am right. Now why does it sound similar to parent’s complex? Desire to seek their approval for every action no wonder we often believe our parents are our gods and just like more or less often we try to go against our parents same way we try to go against god yet ask for their approval their guidance.
Or as usual it proves we are scared people and always will be scared that we might not be here anymore if we say something against him, the same reason we all believe one day dooms day will come, the same reason we have set up boundaries around us and named the rules which we must follow some times on the name of God, religion, nation even our nature.

God is fear for most of people but also a friend who they believe listens to them. My comments about god may be immature I am not huge follower of him especially of god based on religion. It is just internal peace many crave for when they feel they need solitude and really tired of life needs place to rest not physical but mental one they look for god. I am tired but I wanna so much before getting rest I am sad I haven't seen so much but I do have craving for peace like rest of us, its very nature of element that makes us look for rest low energy when ever an elements has lots of energy it tends to loose to stabilize itself hot water freezes before cold one. God isn't someone I can summarize in few words. Mostly because its not science it has nothing to do with science but it did originated from science. God existence came into picture when humans tried to name powers they had no control. Objects everything seemed so godly then he started believing that someone out their make this happen. Or even directly praying to them. That is what I believe is very reason god exists
Still Cont...


  1. its not bout being scared, at times its bout giving them the happiness n satisfaction we think that they have given us. God has guided us to our dreamz and we were happy n thankful,, s we want to do somethin that we think he approves of same goes with our parents. belief or a misbelief, i dont knw but it keeps us going.

  2. I think you are realizing that most of what we have been told when we were kids regarding God may be not quite the best. "If you are bad God will punish you" that's what we grew up learning, but I think that is a very primitive and limited idea of God, too human if you want. In my religion they humanize him (“him” because for Catholics God is a male) so much that you get to see him as some sort of dictator with super powers who is watching every move and thought you have and will punish you in the very opportunity you make something that is not considered morally acceptable or just good according to his presets (or the church’s). Again, how limited. In our idea of God we consider sin just to doubt about his existence. And I think totally the opposite; I think doubts when acted upon only bring you closer to God, closer to the truth, because you start searching for it, people search for God in so many ways and sometimes even in places, whether you find him or not is so personal and depends on how open minded you are, on what you are living, on what you experience, on what you learn every day. I think the idea of God when taken this way, evolves as we evolve, including even the doubt of his existence. Stephen Hawking didn’t used to disregard the existence of God, and now he does, why? Because God doesn’t exists after all? I don’t think so, I think it is the conclusion he has come to at present, but if he, as before, keeps looking for answers, he may perfectly find another more suitable conclusion in the future and change this one for it, and that is what make great minds so different from the common minded people, you don’t get stuck with one idea, you search for the truth always, and you change your mind or opinion each time you find something better, otherwise we are just mules in human bodies.

    Some people, searching for God, reach a certain point, in which they feel comfortable, and they stay there but not due to stubbornness or closed minded but because it fills their needs completely, I don’t think that is bad as long as that person is able to see, that even though, that state is true for himself it may not be true for others (in other words, that person is open to other ideas but still prefers his own). Now, when they reach a state that blinds them toward the rest of the world and won’t accept other possibilities, then, that is just pure fanaticism, that is the opposite of finding the truth, your brain, your mind, your consciousness are dead, like a zombie.
    In case you don’t follow me yet, what I’m trying to say is that having doubts about God, changing your mind as you grow, as you live, having an open mind, will enlighten you, not push you away from God and even less from the truth of his existence or not existence.

    I used to deny the existence of God (although to be honest I was never sure, I guess what I denied was the religion), now I believe, I want to believe, not him as a supreme superpower being, but more as an energy, as whole wisdom, as something that could make you more aware of the world and more in control of your own life… and that you can find that God anywhere, because it is within you (in his positive and negative versions). See? It is what I said above, something so personal, and that is how your search of God should be, not something imposed to you by others but your own belief and findings.

    Okay too long already, and I’m nobody to recommend anything, but even so I will suggest you to never close your mind to any question you may have because of fear instead use it to find the answers, as you live life. And if it helps to beat the fear try to change your perspective of God as a parent, see it more as a friend if you need to humanize him, just to start somewhere, otherwise you will get stuck due to a fear that is just the result of culture and religion, which will be sad since you don't belong to the common minded people.

  3. I agree with both comments,
    @cecilia I quite agree with you
    Here I am not discussing about my fear of god here I am talking about no matter how illogical it is to believe in god how much it doesn’t make sense to us but I rather believe in this misbelief than being completely logical.
    When I look in sky I don't look for god, I certainly don't pray to god I just mumble something more often a wish and hope someone listen and guide me to it.
    I am mere common man though I become biased more often than I would like to even care to admit. I try to share my thoughts and often look down on people who are fanatics about something which doesn’t make sense to my logical mind. I am trying to be more of unbiased open heart person and accept people ("Here I myself feel sarcasm in my words") and about people who belief they have found god not everyone who claim but few like Swami Vivekananda, Budda, Swami RamkrishnaParam Hans may their stories are bit exaggerated but I still feel some truth in them. And especially since they never forced anyone to believe in any religion I have my own biased feeling towards them which make me want to believe them. I also believe Stephen Hawking when he say there is no actual physical god out there in this Universe as my logical mind completely agrees with the same. But god is just one in our thoughts which gives us strength to keep on moving forward.

  4. I was going to write another long comment on inner peace and Hawking but I will resume by just saying that sometimes meditate helps your mind to rest, but you have to practice it everyday, it's not easy to quiet the mind in the first attempt, but you being Indian can use mantras which is favourable, I think is also a way to listen to your heart, or God... Dare to try? To me, so far, it is just sitting in silence for a few minutes everyday, it does to me exactly what you posted about elements and about the strength to keep going.

    There are other things, decisions that I made about my life and people in it, in the last couple of years, that have helped me find peace of mind and myself, although that search never ends (just like the god's), although there are still things out of reach constantly breaking that peace, and although I am weak many times... I feel more in control.

    Oh, please don't be upset, I know I'm talking about a lot of things here, I tried to stick to the main subject but, ah ... there are so many things in my head! I should probably just sit in silence again :P

  5. - Desperate, I beg my mind to please step aside and let me find God, but my mind stares at me with steely power and says, “I will never let you pass me by.” -

    ... It's always like this, a struggle of mind vs god, right? but I believe that if you keep trying to control your own mind, your own intellect, someday you will be able to see with the heart as well, and so maybe god? :)

  6. don't search for god in your mind you don't have one search for peace in your head. and it will be tough to concentrate in beginning but slowly you will know how to clean up your thoughts I guess yo should try yoga helps lot of people for this I may have never tried but I have done some concentration based exercise and you can tell they work.

  7. Due to thousands of years of belief in GOD, Many people pondered over it and came to conclusions. There are many arguments some are presented here.

    The “Ontologists” mainly St.Anslem of Canterbury, 11th century AD, says “Once we understand the nature of God we realize that it implies his existence. God is a perfect being and it is an imperfection not to exist .Since God is perfect he must exist.

    The “cosmological argument “ mainly made popular by St Thomas Aquinas 13th century, insists that all things of the world must have a cause, and since there cannot be infinite number of causes, there must be a first cause, which he says is God.

    The “Teleological argument” proposed by William Paley says that as we create Machines, there must be a creator GOD who created us.

    One the very interesting theories come from Blaise Pascal 17th century AD. Blaise Pascal has given us the probability theory and Advanced Calculus .He says there is no rational proof for or against God’s existence. You can choose to believe it or not. Hence why not adapt a belief which brings you most happiness. Therefore we must believe in God, through which we may gain infinite happiness and immortality, and have nothing to loose if we believe.

    Another interesting statement comes from Arthur C Clark, the 20th century science fiction writer.”The rash assertion that “God made man in his own image” is ticking like a time bomb at the foundation of many faiths, and as the hierarchy of the universe is disclosed to us, we may have to recognize this chilling truth: if there are any gods whose chief concern is man ,they cannot be very important gods.

    We can see there are many arguments “for” and “against” the existence of God. All try to prove from the referential frame they refer to some facts and arguments with cleverly phrased sentences.

    Now, how do we begin our deliberation? The most important question is” why do I need God” ?

    Do I need God for listening to my prayers, so that I get what I want, meaning, and any thing material, emotional or spiritual? Do I have a deterministic notion of GOD; does my God answer my prayers? Does my God allow some sin? WILL I get heaven if I adhere to scriptures which describe such heaven? Do I need help in helpless situations, is my God meant to help? Do I believe God just for the reason that I am born into a family which adheres to a specific faith?

  8. The above and many questions may come to one’s mind.

    Siddhartha Gautama “The Buddha” was an agnostic. Before he discoursed he had always said he will not answer any question on God, spirit or the universe. He said that such questions are irrelevant. Only the life we have known is relevant, and anything beyond it is a speculation.

    A major sect Hinduism known as “Advaita” meaning monism believes that that the universe and God are contained within each other, there is no duality, and the world is “Maya” an illusion created by God within his mind. The ultimate deeper knowledge of this will make us know the reality and we shall be liberated. This system of philosophy is derived from selected “Upanishads”.

    The Karma theory is common to all the religions and sects created in India which includes the sects of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. The Karma theory looks very reasonable to many in the modern world, do well and get back good, do bad and get back bad. However these sects have their scriptures that prescribe what is good and what is bad. Which one are we supposed to follow?

    Can one really know the difference between good and bad? No, what proves to be good this moment may become bad later, actually existence cannot be divided into 2 compartments called good or bad, it is fluid ,where very little is White or black ,we have lot of varying shades of grey. Your friends, parent children, society and many more, are very good for you at one time; at other times they are bad. Likewise your deeds, they seem bad to you feel guilt but they may not be according to another system.

    Coming to the scientific analysis, the perception of space and time is the direct result of the formation of this universe. It is limited in so far as we known about the universe. Life originated around 4.0 billion years back in the oceans of Primitive Earth. During that period, the light of the sun was breaking the simple hydrogen rich molecules of the old atmosphere. The fragments were combining with a pattern into complex molecules. These molecules dissolved in the oceans of the earth creating a molecule that was able to make copies of it using other molecules as building blocks. This was the first known DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) and subsequently one cell plants. A billion years later, one-cell plants evolved into multi-cellular organisms.

    Slowly life evolved within the oceans and subsequently on land but all life forms that developed disappeared to be replaced by other life forms, finally a life form evolved, very intelligent and enterprising. I am talking of Humans.

    However we have a single ancestor the first known DNA strand which was born in the ocean.

    Single ancestor and so many forms, Darwin’s Laws, have proven more or less correct.

    Now let us come to another question? How were the forms evolving, they were not intelligent as man and knew nothing of evolution.

    Life has come to this stage by trial and error and an inspiration from within. Therefore the search of God must be directed within and not without. It seems the fountain hood of God is your true self.

    Primarily, we are to understand that we are at a transient stage before we evolve to be super human. This is the next step, many have taken this step, many have become super humans, and we may call them prophets, Avatars, or Buddhas. Not only have they done this at their personal level they have given us the tenets that must be followed to be more than our present self.

    We must know how we can evolve further, without reference to any afterlife, Karma or any other concept.

    To Touch that fountain head of God hood within us is knowledge, to know it is like touching the core of our being, to live it is salvation, it is Nirvana...!!!

    1. An interesting notion indeed of evolution of life form. yeah i certainly believe the moral god... if not the physical entity or even divine one..

  9. If you follow this universe you will realize something, Nothing is perfect, perfection in this universe does not exist, if the perfection was there we wouldn't have existed, I am not saying god does not exist. I am saying there is no physical god. you believe we all evolved from one. then you can also believe so does our fears and believes they are manifested by us in every form of us. I am not saying all these people are wrong actually everybody is right. because god is nothing more than perception of every human being. For an atheist he doesn't exist and for follower everything is god itself. Human brain is quite complex and what it want it assumes and thats what we believe.
    Few days back there was article about does colors really exist or its manifestation of our brain. Its just our perception. we see we believe what we want to believe one who thinks with logical mind to that person there is just 1 and 0 and to rest its everything.
    People who came close to god or felt the touch of god I don't know what they realized but but for me I believe I will believe or realize one thing. We have just one life and its better to live it all. and do what you feel like. they really didn't care about money or any other because they realize its not money you will take with yourself when you die. so why not do something which makes us happy from inside. which brings the calmness in our heads. Coming near to god is nothing more than coming near to internal peace and that peace can be anything.

    And regarding other forms how can you say they know nothing of evolution. Every species has evolved to survive that is the reason they survived. Darwin said the same survival of fittest. and we are certainly evolving each and every day. our nature changes with passage of time we become more mature we learn to live in this world. and new generation is lot quicker at it then we ever were. Evolution will never stop nor for us nor for any other species. change is one law of nature which we all follow and must to keep moving forward.
    And certainly we are not the most intelligent species you can tell that by looking the way we are moving towards our own end. but Its not the topic to talk about our end. we are dominant species no doubt but not the most intelligent one.
    I am not going to have after life I know when i die to others i might become memory but to me I am just dead probably bones floating in Ganga somewhere.

  10. And root reasons from where life came are not yet known but many believe it came outer space like everything else. It can be anything as question what really life is has no answer.
