Thursday, February 24, 2011

Go Green!

To build up a car which runs on both fuel as well as electricity. This car will have rules engine which will guide the car to switch from electricity to fuel or fuel to electricity at certain times such as when it is running out of battery or even when car is running at very low speed or stuck in traffic jam that time car will start using electricity automatically and this battery will get charge when car is running thus lowering the need to charge vehicle externally, this car can be very useful esp inside cities and since it is actually fuel based as well it can as big as any other car but during lean times when pressure on engine is low it will switch to electricity and saving burning fuel when it is least required and will increase the vehicle mileage
The program to make engine switch can be made more intelligent in order to make fuel efficient.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Few questions?


The blue color of the sky is due to Rayleigh scattering. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air.

However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue.

Why is earth round?

Well not only earth all massive objects are all round in nature as round takes minimum space, Since gravity pulls toward the center of the planet or star, everything gets pulled down into a sphere. However, planets and stars are not really perfect spheres. They spin, so they bulge out a little around the equator.
Which makes it appear round

Why water is wet?
Due to presence of charge, High polarity of oxygen split the H2O in H+ and OH-
as well as Due to hydrogen bonding which makes it stick to the skin to stabilize the charge on OH- and H+

Why is fire hot?

Fire is the result of a chemical reaction (oxidation) which releases energy stored in chemical bonds. This released energy is the "heat" you feel.

As the chemical reaction releases stored energy, volatile chemicals are released, it is these hot vapors which you see and call flames. The color of the flame is an indication of the chemicals being released

Friday, February 4, 2011

If I could turn back time?

How often we say this line? At least somewhere in vicinity of our life we thought of this. Well I may be imposing my self on everyone but I did lots of times, If I am not wrong everytime I do something wrong I will say "If I could turn back time". Later I realize If I do change time I might not be what I am today.Certainly many times we hate what we have become but all this time is what made us strong enough to be what we are. So the basic Idea of changing back time is absurd because we cant change something which is not yet happened and if We do there is no reason for us to be at that place anyway This is one thing that makes the whole point absurd.
Now If we cant back in time whats the real use to time machine oh yeah we can move forward in time, Now do we really want to go time where our existance has no meaning itself. And we cant even return from that time to our real life since travelling back is impossible you might want to go to future of human but whats the point if you can't whats their in our current time (Current time not the one you are but when from where you started) Somehow Now all the idea of time machine looks stupid. Not to all of us somehow even I realize the travelling in time is stupid but I am still fascinated by the idea of time travel I may not know reasons for it but I am I guess ability to know what future might look like is still a good power to have though. I can't boast about that power to anyone as In this end its nothing more that going to much advanced version of what we are today. If we go 10000 years from now we might not be ready what we might see Humans with huge heads small eyes small ears ironically "All might look like big head version of Chinese" and yeah similar small bodies basically all dwarf. I guess its not time to pick on Chinese but any who Somehow I realized I belong to time where I should be not in future not in past though desires nevers ends. My quest for time machine will go on.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In the end we all die!

Quite Ironically In all religions there is a talk about end of life as we know it, Dooms day as we say it, No matter how often we believe our religion is different from other but when it comes to basis there is always a talk about flood from which we all survived and one day we all will die as by Mesopotamian its suppose to be happen by 2012 well I am not here to challenge it too afraid of fate I guess but this has been question which is generally asked around why all religions have similar notions why all religions states one day we all will die, If you ask me our earlier version ancestors as we call them were really afraid people and I am not saying we are any different well more than 10000 years have passed and we still continue to fear the same thing God, something which has been mis-belief of people for all this time, The fear that god might take everything away and well will die, I am not atheist as stated above too scared to challenge fate, god but somehow I believe the notion which is so common among us is nothing but a fear that a child has when he gets a toy he clings to it all the time he can especially when its new because he is afraid he might loose it or someone will take it away till he start realizing no this is his own toy and no one will ever take it from him he starts too loose importance of it and from their its down the hill eventually time passes by and day he stops caring about it at all its gets lost but my story isn't complex as this we humans been always afraid of death no matter how much we deny it no matter how crazy are we there is always a fear that says once we die our potion is over and nothing is left so anyhow we are scared of death I am not talking about some people who don't what life is and just die one day but normal human beings who clings to life as much as he can though he knows he might die one day. this is same fear which had lead to our ancestors to believe this might all end one day and everything as we know might end, I am not saying this is wrong of course earth will end one day but I am pretty sure we would be evolved enough by that time we moved to some safer place until or unless somehow people scared of going against religion and don't move to another planet when earth is about to end but any-who i believe we will be evolved to survive end off earth might even of solar system if to take a long shot move to another galaxy if milky way is about to be completely absorbed by black hole in the middle but we will die when this universe end if we are unable to move to parallel dimension and thus surviving again and settle in different universe, I some how believe We are here for some long time not just to enjoy life on earth but in universe(again No challenge to gods of any religion) I am just writing my thoughts.
In the end we all die but our death isn't the end and once something ends it means its time for new life new universe.