Saturday, June 9, 2012

Our Lifeless Lives...

In lifeless lives as ours everything is a national issue, Aishwarya being fat is just one of them. Nowadays newspaper are full of stories that show how really lifeless we are. Locus of our identity and happiness mostly lies away from ourselves and ironically it lies in the misery. Of course not self misery but of others. We live in world where we enjoy pain and suffering of the others.

One can easily assume it makes us feel that we are not alone living this miserable life. We pay to see other suffering from same pain as we are. We thrive on the principle "I mustn't be the only one who shall suffer", and if could do it we try to  inflect pain on others. Little do we realize while search for pain we loose touch with beauty around us and even happiness around us. We loose touch with people around us. We sit and watch televisions sad operas for hours but when we have to talk we are barely able to come up with something to talk about.

Why are our lives so event-less, has world really changed that much that there is no adventure left, have you really done everything and now its time to do nothing, sit back and relax and continue living the life of machine. I know most of our lives go in order to support our family and being hand to mouth, but is there really nothing we could do to make it more interesting, Think of a time when you did something new something out of your comfort zone it was challenging and it was fun? How many times have you had that kind of fun? Are our lives really just meant to be this mechanical? Obvious answer will be no, we want more out of life than this misery and pain, more than just from office to house and house to office.

And if the answer is no, Can we really justify that answer? Why don't we seek something in our life to be passionate about than get jealous of people who does, Being sane is not that good if in the end it leaves you insane and with the face of person who never did any thing in life. Wrinkles on your face will mean just age not experiences, nor will we have tales to tell and memories to share, We will just tell our next generations about the tales of other bravery not ours. No wonder our next generations is mostly lost in the entertainment industry as we have nothing to offer to them, not even our time.

When we were kids our world was small we had more fun or our happiness wasn't much effected by others but just us. Why we killed that child, did he really made your life that hard that you must kill it and become more of a sheep? There was a story i read few years back "The Little Prince" it was a gift from someone really special. It made me realize how much i really left behind when i started walking towards adulthood, and most what i lost with that is the internal peace and happiness. Now I guess i will try to find the happiness back and see if i could still smile and be at peace.  

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