Friday, January 14, 2011


Reg: Training people on how to fix cars at least in a way where not heavy equipment is required.

Is to start a crash course for people on how to fix cars, People will be given basic information as well as training from changing tire to all the way to what most human can do without any heavy equipment this way they are much tension free when go on long rides also can maintain the vehicles in much cheaper way.


  1. I was thinking you could expand it by offering also post-course services, such as a call center in case you are in the middle of nowhere and just want to try if you can fix it yourself with a little help on the phone, just like when my computer breaks down :P ... and if not possible, give again another solution that is sending a tow truck to the place. You don't have to have your own tow trucks, you could just make a contract with third parties(companies) to provide you that, and so you could cover most part of the territory.

  2. That is actually an excellent suggestion and this is something I never though of but really great idea and this can also help us to train people online courses too reach more people
