Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dooms day is here!.... yeah Right!...

Dooms day is here tomorrow we all might die. Why It doesn't sound scary anymore at least not to me or most of my generation people I guess reason is since I took birth 4 dooms days has already passed and I don't know how many more to come. This article might seem redundant especially considering my old article "in the end we all die".
Dooms day is nothing more than joke now isn't people read predictions made by others and presume things as they would like to see it.
Its often funny that people always assume the worst possible scenarios when ever they try to understand someones prediction or even notes.
To tell you truth no matter how obvious it sounds I don't believe in dooms day well to me it is not possible! To me its not possible we get all get wiped out on one day no matter how many religions believes I am contradicting here but I don't believe a day will come after that there will be no human life left in this universe "not even leaving astronomers in space" I can imagine tomorrow 1 person might die or 10 person die what the heck with growing sizes of cities 10 million die in one day I can believe but to wipe out billions of people in one day, I just don't see it happening its to tell you truth It is really tough nut to crack to wipe out all of us.
If we consider this Japanese incident might be starting of this than I would suggest you why would you consider this as starting point why not tsunami that hit Indonesia few years back and after than Haiti and so many natural disaster which are falling on us on regular basis. if you consider that why not one before that well the natural disasters always happen its like a circle they are never initiative of anything they are just ways earth take bit of revenge on us you know turn wise concept Japanese eat sea food a lot so sea ate them (I have really no intention to hurt anyone feelings I certainly feel sorry for all the loss and really thankful to Japan for all they have done for this earth and I have no intention to hurt their feelings).
Its similar to 3rd world war when that might start? You often heard this line when it will start what will happen after it end even countless stories are written about it some of them are even my favorite but do you believe 3rd world war will be similar to previous one or is it already going on which just didn't give it the name of 3rd world war who are actors in this war I guess all major nations are tell me which nation army isn't fighting some one now. American, British, Russia, India all major nations are currently in war with some one so how is this not world war.
How is this not the day approaching to be dooms day.
It is not as we have strong spirit to live we all wont die just one day. There is no dooms day which might happen in future get on with life Its going to go on as long it goes on. The day you die is dooms day for you anyway as than it doesn't matter who lives who die as you are already dead.


  1. I agree with you in almost everything. And I think the end of humanity would be because of a nuclear war or a huge meteor hitting Earth (and I don't mention robots because you said you can beat them all). And the fish thing, are you serious? I laughed so hard, and now wondering if vegetarians will be eaten by Earth and only us the carnivorous will be safe.

  2. it wont end even like that.. n we would know if any meteor is going to hit.. I will post in the blog:) and I am not serious just said it.. n don worry all crocodiles will eat you one day...

  3. So, we know a huge meteor is going to hit Earth in let's say 3 months, what do we do? send Bruce Willis to drill a hole in it and detonate a bomb to divert its trajectory? Do not forget to make Aerosmith sing "I dont wanna miss a thing" in a hangar :P

  4. no there are other way and we would know much before 3 months.. huh!...

  5. how much before? a year, two, three? will it be enough time to come up with workable solutions? and I think I wanted to say asteroid not meteor :P ... what will you do after posting the news in your blog?

  6. It will be meteor not asteroid and we can and should be able to identify and plan it may not be year since size of them is generally small but it is possible to determine well in advance but question is who will take a shot on it. We certainly don't need to destroy it we need to deviate it from path enough that it doesn't hit earth. and the basic difference between meteor and asteroid as far as I know meteors generally and object which are present between earth and mars and they often fall on earth but in small sizes and rest are called asteroid. If the size is big enough like comet or something which might spell doom on us as not only we should know it in advance but also we need to take drastic measure and their paths often deviates due to gravitational pull so it can be really hard to predict their movement.
