Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In the end we all die!

Quite Ironically In all religions there is a talk about end of life as we know it, Dooms day as we say it, No matter how often we believe our religion is different from other but when it comes to basis there is always a talk about flood from which we all survived and one day we all will die as by Mesopotamian its suppose to be happen by 2012 well I am not here to challenge it too afraid of fate I guess but this has been question which is generally asked around why all religions have similar notions why all religions states one day we all will die, If you ask me our earlier version ancestors as we call them were really afraid people and I am not saying we are any different well more than 10000 years have passed and we still continue to fear the same thing God, something which has been mis-belief of people for all this time, The fear that god might take everything away and well will die, I am not atheist as stated above too scared to challenge fate, god but somehow I believe the notion which is so common among us is nothing but a fear that a child has when he gets a toy he clings to it all the time he can especially when its new because he is afraid he might loose it or someone will take it away till he start realizing no this is his own toy and no one will ever take it from him he starts too loose importance of it and from their its down the hill eventually time passes by and day he stops caring about it at all its gets lost but my story isn't complex as this we humans been always afraid of death no matter how much we deny it no matter how crazy are we there is always a fear that says once we die our potion is over and nothing is left so anyhow we are scared of death I am not talking about some people who don't what life is and just die one day but normal human beings who clings to life as much as he can though he knows he might die one day. this is same fear which had lead to our ancestors to believe this might all end one day and everything as we know might end, I am not saying this is wrong of course earth will end one day but I am pretty sure we would be evolved enough by that time we moved to some safer place until or unless somehow people scared of going against religion and don't move to another planet when earth is about to end but any-who i believe we will be evolved to survive end off earth might even of solar system if to take a long shot move to another galaxy if milky way is about to be completely absorbed by black hole in the middle but we will die when this universe end if we are unable to move to parallel dimension and thus surviving again and settle in different universe, I some how believe We are here for some long time not just to enjoy life on earth but in universe(again No challenge to gods of any religion) I am just writing my thoughts.
In the end we all die but our death isn't the end and once something ends it means its time for new life new universe.


  1. I agree with you when you say death is not the end, but only when it comes to a general definition, because humanity has the hability to survive, be it in another galaxy or wherever, but each person will die eventually here or wherever and that is the end of that person, you can't apply "new life new universe" for that unique individual. But again, this is just considering what we have for certain so far, to say... not future discoverings related to the universe, aging and deathly illnesses.

    There are so many topics to focus on in this post! god, religion, fear, life after death, transformation, end of the days... but I have to go back to work ;)

  2. I appreciate your honesty and you comment as well but this post wasn't just about religion it was about why all religions have similar believes when its comes to dooms day, and I wasn't talking about death of person i was talking about end of humanity, I am certainly not saying it not possible we just die one day(Again no challenge to any gods still scared :) ), but its highly unlikely & There is no life after death (I am wondering why you making me say stuff which might angers some gods and Punish me), When we die we just die that is as much as role you play in this universe, I am saying this universe because of concept of parallel universe which I think Hardly unlikely to be true but science is stranger than fiction any-who I certainly don't believe in after life, We will certainly evolve and will control aging and so much other stuff Mutation is happening even at current times and We are always evolving and I am not sure what human might look after 10000 Years will we have bigger brain or smaller one will ours eyes become stronger or weaker but I am sure future human will be a lot weaker than we are but who knows what future holds.

  3. Still you mentioned too many big topics in one single post, and I happen to have an opinion for each of them!

    As I said, I agree with your vision in general. I have only one task, that is go back and read about parallel universe, I had this idea/theory that I read in which it will be suicidal to try to move to a parallel universe... or was that traveling in time? See, gotta go read about again.

    Now I have a problem because I want to say something about the brain size but that is not the main idea of your last comment, can I say something about it anyway? Did you know what was the food that made our brain growth differently from the apes'? Okay, maybe I should go write about it instead of changing your topic ;)

  4. And stop being so scared of saying something that could anger the GODS, you sound like a Greek ancient guy ;) ... Nothing will happen to you, remember I used to say God didn't exist and I'm still here, just got cancer a year ago but I'm perfectly fine now ;) LOL ... Are we going to talk about life after death? What about the soul?

  5. hmmm soul funny topic..well soul is something related to life not only humans but everyone I cannot say it exist or it doesn't but anyway soul is what makes us different from What we call solids liquid or gas, and we are combination or all these plus this soul element, which is missing link in all science though I am very unsure of it being actually exist, and if soul can exist in different components they might what we call life and even Iron Box will be alive but they may actually have it but As much I know they don't and some planets not one we know yet might have this soul component in these states of matter which might make them very hard to recognize being alive as its really impossible for astronomer to look at stone on moon and say hey moon has life :)
